Kext rejected due to system policy: ĭiagnostics for /private/var/folders/vq/hv4nc70n6lbbvd_f2zvsh5j5f圓ckn/T/TemporaryItems/(A Document Being Saved By XCBBuildService)/CleanBuildFolderInProgress/System/Library/Extensions/mykext. Unable to stage kext (/Library/Extensions/AX88179_178A.kext)to secure location. Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Extensions/69086123-45A7-4788-B687-6D1009D4EF9C.kext does not appear in strict exception list for architecture: x86_64 A few pieces are missing (and some will probably never be supported) see Known Problems/Caveats in the Hardware section. Most pieces are fully supported, and this setup can be used as your main machine. Why would the kexutil -nt command try to stage a different kext file unrelated to my mykext.kext? Overview Run macOS Mojave (10.14) or Catalina (10.15) on a Dell XPS 9570. The output is as follows: The bolded text is my confusion. I'm referring to a kext on my machine dated back to 2014 that is for USB functionality ( AX88179_178A.kext). Detailed steps: From the Apple menu select Restart. And by other, I don't mean the one copied to the staging folder. This workaround currently resolved all the cases we encountered in production: You should load in recovery mode, disable sip, restart, invalidate kext cache, restart in recovery again and then re-enable sip.
Running the kexutil -nt command, the results are a bit strange in that, the output mentions a different kext file other than the kext I'm inspecting. we have a KEXT-enabled Developer ID which we are using for code signing and I have verified that the certificate contains the 1.2.840.113635. The odd thing is, if the postinstall script fails because of this reason, then the user sees the yellow triangle warning that their installation failed. I'm also albe to reproduce this with a VM running 10.14.5. So for berevity, 'ditto' on pradippradip original post. Since I'm experiencing the exact same issue, I thought it would be okay to tag onto this post. In fact, it's quite misleading in this instance as the signature itself is valid but it's system policy which prevents loading until authorisation is granted. It would be helpful if the kextutil error message includes a hint to check for authorisation in "Security & Privacy" instead of just throwing an "invalid signature" error. 19 10,526 Flacko said: Did you fix permissions on the new kexts and then clear the kext cache If not then running these commands using terminal is required if you replace kexts.

Subsequent load attempts will be rejected silently but will reactivate the prompt within "Security & Privacy" - giving the user another chance to approve the kext. Note that the approval needs to happen within 30 minutes of the load attempt or it will disappear. The user then needs to go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy in order to approve the kext.

The first time an attempt is made to load the kext, macOS should present the user with a popup informing them that it was blocked. The solution is described in this tech note: Turns out kexts are now denied by default - even those signed with a valid kex-enabled Dev.